Monday, May 4, 2009

Enjoy an article by a non-reptile person

I had fun writing an article from the view of a non - gecko person in the beginning. It amazed me how I have grown to enjoy working with the animals. For a few good laughs check out the article " Reptiles on My Terms! at!&id=2236653


  1. Entertaining read. It's weird.... being a reptile freak, I think it's weird when people don't want to touch something as lovable and handle-able as a crested gecko, funny to read it from the other 'side'

  2. Stuff like this is great, it really helps to show all those hesitant parents, (usually) girlfriends, and siblings that reptiles can be lots of fun if you just spend a little time with them!

  3. Glad you guys enjoyed this article. Just so you know I just finished feeding the babies and even touched a couple :)

  4. Nice Article. Reptiles can be addicting. ;)
